Thursday, March 28, 2013

McDonald's, according to the internet

I just started to type a long story about how I found myself reading Google Reviews of McDonald's restaurants in Massachusetts, but I think the reviews speak for themselves.  The thing that fascinated me the most was trying to figure out what the hell kind of person writes a review for McDonald's online... or rather, what the hell kind of person looks up reviews of McDonald's before they decide if they are going to eat there.

Here's what I found:

Some had issues with the restrictive menu...

Others had issues with the decor...

Some were able to see the silver lining...

A few individuals used the review platform to propose innovative business ideas...

Once in a while, a customer would see the beauty right underneath their feet...

Sometimes you just don't feel too strongly either way...

Other times you feel you've already said all there is to say...

Perhaps the best approach is to point out the pros and cons...

While some were taking McDonald's at face-value, others looked deeper into a conspiracy theory...

Thankfully, there are people on the internet to remind you that your time and body are valuable...

Some of them... um... uh... I really just don't know...

Never forget what put McDonald's on the map...

A true American pastime...

I... guess so?

But at the end of the day, hey, it's McDonald's...

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